Professional Development


We used to believe that there was an ideal personality profile that epitomized the perfect leader. We have come to learn that no such thing exists as there are so many different types of successful leaders out there.

There are however a few universally accepted skills that every leader has to have no matter what their personality style. One of those is the ability to influence others. Without followers a leader is merely taking a walk. We believe we have come to understand some of the key ingredients of what leadership really is through our own experience and learning.


Know what you are coaching

Before coaching begins, managers need to decide which areas to focus on, and how those areas will be measured. Remember, areas of focus should include strengths and weaknesses, skills and attributes, and personality and behavioural traits. Creating a benchmark for these areas will allow managers to measure how employees perform and where the coaching effort is needed most.

Coach early and coach often

Effective managers coach their employees from day one, and they coach and offer training on a regular basis. This allows managers to catch any potential problems before they happen, and helps to increase performance by showing continued interest while providing feedback. Managers should work with personnel to set clear, realistic goals based on performance expectations.

Coach each individual

Although some employees share certain characteristics and skills, they are individuals. It is important for managers to remember that one size does not fit all. Each employee possesses unique qualities. The better a manager understands each person, the more effective the coaching and the results.

Implementing coaching-based performance management

Good performance rarely happens by accident. Coaching-based performance management provides key insights about each employee, and shows them how to leverage that knowledge improve performance. This methodology works because managers can use it continuously and proactively from the beginning of each employee’s career.

Coach relationships and team dynamics

Relationships directly impact productivity, and understanding relationships improves team dynamics. Unhealthy relationships clearly undermine performance, while colleagues working together in harmony have the best chance of success. Potential conflicts need to be identified and dealt with early. Defining conflict points will enable leaders and team members to work together to avoid or solve issues.

Coach to develop strategic workforce planning

Taking time to develop and improve your team generates leadership, and ensures future business success. The coaching that managers provide should prepare employees for leadership positions, and should align with the organisation’s mission, strategic plan, budgetary resources, and desired workforce competencies.

Change management

The only constant in life is change! You must either embrace that fact and go with it or you will be left behind and may struggle to catch up. Change will always happen in business, it will always happen in your personal life, this is an undeniable fact that we must learn how to manage or we will always be stressed, angry and anxious. When you learn to accept change, embrace change, and learn from change, you will feel more in control which will result in happiness and confidence.

Routine becomes a habit Fear of the unknown The purpose is unclear Fear of failure People are happy with the way things are: Narrow mindedness Tradition – provides ritualistic security Change may mean personal loss Change requires major commitment

Ignorance – In the dark Information – General info given to people Infusion – penetration of new ideas cause resistance Individual change – “early adopters” begin to see the benefits of the proposed change. Organisational change – move towards greater openness Awkward Application – some successes and some failures are experienced. Integration – Awkwardness decreases and the acceptance level increases. Innovation – Significant results create confidence and willingness to take risks. The result is willingness to change

Develop trust (both ways) Make personal changes (lead by example) Understand the History of the organisation Place influencers in leadership positions (Top 20 %) Get the support of the influencers before going public Develop a meeting agenda to assist change Encourage influencers to influence others informally (Leaks) Show people how change will benefit them Give them ownership of change

Routine becomes a habit Fear of the unknown The purpose is unclear Fear of failure People are happy with the way things are: Narrow mindedness Tradition – provides ritualistic security Change may mean personal loss Change requires major commitment

Ignorance – In the dark Information – General info given to people Infusion – penetration of new ideas cause resistance Individual change – “early adopters” begin to see the benefits of the proposed change. Organisational change – move towards greater openness Awkward Application – some successes and some failures are experienced. Integration – Awkwardness decreases and the acceptance level increases. Innovation – Significant results create confidence and willingness to take risks. The result is willingness to change

Develop trust (both ways) Make personal changes (lead by example) Understand the History of the organisation Place influencers in leadership positions (Top 20 %) Get the support of the influencers before going public Develop a meeting agenda to assist change Encourage influencers to influence others informally (Leaks) Show people how change will benefit them Give them ownership of change

Stress Development

Stress affects most if not all people in some way. Acute (sudden or short-term) stress leads to rapid changes throughout the body. Almost all body systems (the heart and blood vessels, immune system, lungs, digestive system, sensory organs, and brain) gear up to meet perceived danger.

These stress responses could prove beneficial in a critical, life-or-death situation. Over time, however, repeated stressful situations put a strain on the body that may contribute to physical and psychological problems. Chronic (long-term) stress can have real health consequences and should be addressed like any other health concern.

Our course will help you implement very practical solutions to this very universal challenge as well as help you change your perception of your stressors and how to mentally process them differently. Everything from what we eat to what we think and what we do will help better manage this potentially debilitating human condition. People always leave feeling empowered, confident and ready to take on the world.


Communicating clearly and effectively is a learnt skill. Becoming a more effective communicator will improve all relationships, increase your influence ability and deepen you connection at work and at home. Effective communication is much more than just exchanging information. It includes understanding how you and others feel, its noticing intentions and the body language of what they not saying. Communicating is also learning how to listen better and to reflect back what you understand about the other person. Essentially, effective communication is gaining mastery of these skills: