
Profile XT (PXT)

The ProfileXT is the best, most up to date assessment tool for pre-employment screening and job applicant selection. It provides easy to understand results that companies can use to perfectly match the right person to the right job.

Deciding if potential employees are the right fit for your company can be tricky, time consuming and confusing.

You need a job assessment tool that determines not only if a candidate has the skills to do a job, but also if they will do it well, and be happy and content doing so.

ProfileXT is the most comprehensive job matching assessment tool that provides exactly this – in a simple, easy to read report that will save you time and money, and ensure that you are able to hire the best employees and ensure long term employee retention.

How Can ProfileXT Help You?

Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a set of emotional and social skills that influence the way we perceive and express ourselves, develop and maintain social relationships, cope with challenges and use emotional information in an effective and meaningful way.

This essential personal and social skill has become a profound predictor of success in life. Fortunately we can measure these skills, and unlike personality which is more static, we can develop these skills. Wilford Scholes has an extensive training program that will help you first identify your current EQ and then help you improve your EQ in your everyday work life.

The EQ-I 2.0 is the assessment tool that measures a person’s current EQ to help you understand their suitability for a current role or help them develop this essential skill.

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Honesty & integrity assessment (SOSII)

The Step One Survey II® (SOSII) helps organizations reduce hiring risk in a quick and cost effective manner.

About honesty and integrity assessment (SOSII)

The Step One Survey II® (SOSII) helps organizations reduce hiring risk in a quick and cost effective manner. It is a brief pre-hire assessment that measures an individual’s basic work-related values. It is used primarily as a screening tool early in the candidate selection process. This assessment provides scientifically valid insight into an applicant’s work ethic, reliability, integrity, and attitudes toward theft —including property, data and time.

It is a scientifically designed assessment tool that helps answer these vital questions:

  • Can this applicant be trusted?
  • Is this applicant dependable?
  • Will this applicant be a long-term, hard-working employee?

How does the SOSII assessment work?

Most often job candidates take the SOSII online, but paper and pencil is also available when preferred. An HR administrator simply forwards a link to job candidates and they log on from any location to complete the evaluation. The assessment does not need to be monitored, so the candidate can take it from any computer with Internet access. The system instantly scores the assessment and informs the hiring managers where they can access the results. There is minimal work for Wilford Scholes in this transaction.

Get in touch for a free quote and assessment