Career Planning

Why should I consider career planning?

Making life-determining decisions about education, training and careers can be fraught with uncertainty, hesitation, and even second guessing.

We use state-of-the-art scientific assessment tools combined with professional analysis and one-on-one feedback to give you the insight needed to add clarity to your decision making whether you’re just starting off or looking to shift careers.

Our program provides:

Insight into personal abilities, aptitudes, personality, and emotional intelligence followed by counseling regarding ‘best fit’ career possibilities and career paths to avoid.

Option 1: Personal insight with Occupational Focus


Through use of the on-line internationally recognized psychometric diagnostic tool the Profile XT we obtain an assessment that encompasses three key areas:

  • Thinking style
  • Behavioral traits
  • Intrinsic interests

Analysis and Feedback

Through qualified professional analysis we interpret what your diagnostic results mean for your career best and worst fits. Feedback is then given by a career pathways consulting psychologist in a one-on-one 45 minute video link career futures session.

The Personal Insight with Occupational Focus package is provided for an all-inclusive fee.

Option 2: Total person premium insight


In addition to the comprehensive analysis provided by the ProfileXT, the premium package includes an assessment of your emotional intelligence (EQI 2.0) across five key areas:

  • Self Perception
  • Stress Management
  • Self-Expression
  • Decision Making
  • Interpersonal Relationships

Analysis and Feedback

In total, the two diagnostic tools provide you with answers to over twenty-five critical questions about you, your strengths and your areas for improvement. By comparing your profile with thousands of established career profiles we are able to provide you with clear insight into best fit and should avoid career pathways. Extensive feedback is provided during a one-on-one 90 minute video link session with a career pathways consulting psychologist.

The Total Person Premium Insight package is provided for an all-inclusive fee.

Personal improvement

For those who want to build on their strengths or fortify their weaker areas we offer specific training to enhance key areas including:


Decision making



Perceptive listening





Stress Management

Save time

Time Management









Avoid mistakes

Risk Avoidance