
What are you looking for?

you and
your people

Our combined professional experience and reliable scientific tools will help you drive your culture, hire the right people and develop the needed skills for success.

Our Services

Our focus is to support you with hiring, succession planning, team construction and identifying training needs. Training programs are tailormade to address identified needs. Wilford Scholes is especially skilled at creating programs and courses that will address the unique requirements of a specific organization. Our combined extensive cultural leadership and business experience enable us to guide and mentor business leaders.

Our Services

Our focus is to support you with hiring, succession planning, team construction and identifying training needs. Training programs are tailormade to address identified needs. Wilford Scholes is especially skilled at creating programs and courses that will address the unique requirements of a specific organization. Our combined extensive cultural leadership and business experience enable us to guide and mentor business leaders.

Business Leaders

Business leadership is the ability of an organization to set and achieve challenging goals, take fast and decisive action when needed, outperform the competition, and to inspire others to perform at the highest level they can.

HR & Recruitment

Careful testing of Cognition, Personality and Interests against a job profile that will raise your choice success to 75%.

Professional Development

We used to believe that there was an ideal personality profile that epitomized the perfect leader. We have come to learn that no such thing exists as there are so many different types of successful leaders out there.

Career Planning

We use state-of-the-art scientific assessment tools combined with professional analysis and one-on-one feedback to give you the insight needed to add clarity to your decision making whether you’re just starting off or looking to shift careers.

Business leadership is the ability of an organization to set and achieve challenging goals, take fast and decisive action when needed, outperform the competition, and to inspire others to perform at the highest level they can.

Careful testing of Cognition, Personality and Interests against a job profile that will raise your choice success to 75%.

We used to believe that there was an ideal personality profile that epitomized the perfect leader. We have come to learn that no such thing exists as there are so many different types of successful leaders out there.

We use state-of-the-art scientific assessment tools combined with professional analysis and one-on-one feedback to give you the insight needed to add clarity to your decision making whether you’re just starting off or looking to shift careers.

Why Wilford Scholes?

Wilford Scholes is a global human resource development company that drives improved performance by aligning corporate culture with core targets. Our professional experience and proven scientific tools help you provide values-based leadership and optimize talent acquisition, development, and productivity.

Get in touch for a free quote and assessment

The science
behind the tests

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How the
profile XT works

The ProfileXT is the best, most up to date assessment tool for pre-employment screening and job applicant selection. It provides easy to understand results that companies can use to perfectly match the right person to the right job.